ICSC European Shopping Centre Awards, Shopping Center Business
ICSC 2016 European Conference Details Announced
“Authenticity: Differentiating Retail” is the theme of next year’s conference.

ICSC is ramping up preparations for its 2016 European Conference, to be held on April 18-19 2016 in Milan, Italy. The annual retail real estate conference will explore how you can build an authentic, one-of-a-kind brand to differentiate yourself from the rising competition with the theme “Authenticity: Differentiating Retail.”
The conference keynote address will feature David Simon, chairman and CEO at Simon Property Group, Inc. During the keynote, he will be take questions from ICSC members from around the world. Other engaging speakers include Italian Vice-Minister for Economic Development Dr Carlo Calenda; Julia Calabrese, CEO, McArthurGlen; Concetto Marletta, Founder of Indispensable Solutions; and more top industry professionals.
ICSC’s European member base has recently increased, with the Polish Council of Shopping Centers as the latest to sign on with a membership agreement – one of many, including British, German, Nordic, and Italian councils.
A key element of the conference is, as always, the European Shopping Centre Awards. A full list of finalists was announced last week at MAPIC, and it includes eleven centers representing ten countries. Jury members are touring the finalists in advance of the awards ceremony at the conference’s networking dinner.
“The 2016 European Conference will feature an unprecedented lineup of speakers and programming,” said ICSC’s Executive Vice-President and Chief Global Officer, Mike Morrissey. “We are thrilled to once again present this important retail real estate event for owners, developers, investors, retailers and other professionals.”
To register or learn more about the 2016 European Conference, you can visit the conference website.