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Customer Service, Services
A year after it launched a Men’s Den to keep their male shoppers happy during the holidays, Canada’s PTC is turning its attention to women.
Deal Makers, Shopping Center Business
Moorestown Mall’s PR campaign helps to abolish a near century-old law that led to falling occupancy rates and dwindling retail sales.
Décor Themes, Design Studio
Children’s play areas connect shopping malls to families and their communities, so why not design and brand them accordingly?
Fashion Blogs, Style Lounge
The Coveteur give Yorkdale a PR boost through collaborations with couture designers, fashion press editors, and other key figures.
Social Media Campaigns, Technology Lab
Mall helps its town shed its “Chatham Average” moniker with video campaign starring security guard and local rapper.
Advertising Creative Design, Design Studio
High-end automaker takes on Times Square with 26-storey LED screen to run new one-minute spots on a loop every hour.
Apps, Technology Lab
Mall apps are quickly becoming commodities, but one center might have found a way to make its app stand out.
Design Studio, Visual Merchandising
There’s nothing like new outdoor gear to make you want to answer the call of the wild.
The Treasure Island tale was the inspiration for the Red Sea Mall’s custom play, which drew 900,000 shoppers to its Center Court stage.
Plaza Las Americas builds online audience offline, turning its property into Facebook Central to gain fans and public likes.